Baked Chicken Drumsticks (Copanele la Cuptor)
Minimum order 9 pieces / 3 servings
Minimum order 9 pieces / 3 servings
Minimum order 9 pieces / 3 servings
Fiecare mușcătură oferă un amestec armonios de arome și texturi. Un strop de ierburi proaspete adauga o explozie de culoare si un finisaj aromat. Pulpele de pui la cuptor sunt bune prietene cu piureul de cartofi, pentru o masa ca la carte.
Ingrediente: copanele de pui, boia dulce, sare, piper, ulei, cimbru proaspat, usturoi.
Each bite offers a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. A splash of fresh herbs adds a burst of color and an aromatic finish. Oven-baked chicken thighs are good friends with mashed potatoes, for an à la carte meal.
Ingredients: chicken drumsticks, sweet paprika, salt, pepper, oil, fresh thyme, garlic.

Minimum order - 1.3 kg/3 servings
Minimum order - 1.3 kg./ 3 portions
Minimum order - 1.3 kg./ 3 portions
Minimum order - 1.3 kg./ 3 portions
Minimum order - 1.3 kg./ 3 portions