Chapter Chairmen Program

Create your APC community of chefs in your country, state or region

An organization is established in each country, which will have the name Chapter, made up of all the local organizations on the territory of the respective country.

In order for a country, state, or region to be classed as an APC Chapter, it must contain at least 5 pro-members.

Chapter Chairmen

The Chapter Chairmen Program is an initiative of the APC organization to bring together a global network of professional chefs who share a common goal. This program aims to appoint a chapter president in each country, state or region who will be responsible for leading and managing the activities of the respective chapters.

The role of Chapter President is vital as they will be responsible for developing and executing strategies that advance our mission and goals, recruiting new members to join their chapters, organizing events and activities, and providing leadership and mentorship within each chapter.

We are confident that with the help of our dedicated chapter presidents, we can create a global network of chapters that will bring together professional chefs who share our values and vision.

For professional chefs, hotel school graduates who have been in the industry for more than 10 years and persons directly involved in the hotel, hospitality and catering industry. They should hold a position of responsibility and have followed a recognized training course or have been a APC Pro-Member for at least 1 year .

Chapter Chairmen will have their details and photo posted to the APC leadership column along with a link to their website.

Chapter Chairmen have voting rights.


The APC Chapters are the backbone of the APC International Administration Centre, providing a local connection to members and ensuring that the organization runs smoothly. The individual Chapters are responsible for their own activities, such as organizing events, providing advice and support to members, and promoting the mission of the APC. At the same time, they work in tandem with the International Administration Centre to ensure that all efforts are coordinated and efficient. This collaboration between the Chapters and International Administration Centre is essential for achieving success in our common mission .


Chapter Chairmen play an important role in the success of the Association and its members. They are encouraged to organise events and competitions that will help promote the Association and its members. These events can be used to bring together members from different Chapters, create a sense of community, and foster collaboration between them. By doing so, Chapter Chairmen help to strengthen the bonds between members of their Chapter and also help to spread awareness about the Association and its mission.


Our Chapter Chairmen are a vital part of our organization, and we are proud to have them as a part of our team. They are all professional chefs, and they not only bring their culinary expertise to the table but also their communication skills. Our Chapter Chairmen are required to maintain strong communication links with the International Administration Centre, which is responsible for the overall management of our Chapters. This ensures that all of our Chapters operate efficiently and effectively in accordance with the organization's mission and goals.