Romanian Meatballs (Chiftelute de porc)

from £14.70

Minimum order - 0.5 kg./ 3 portions

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Minimum order - 0.5 kg./ 3 portions

Minimum order - 0.5 kg./ 3 portions


Savuroase, cu un gust clasic, dar de care nimeni nu se satură niciodată; mai ales lângă un piure proaspăt sau în sandwich-uri cu de toate.

Ingrediente: pulpa porc, usturoi, cartofi, ceapa, oua, faina, patrunjel, marar, sare, ulei, piper alb.

  • Savory, with a classic taste, but which no one can ever get enough of; especially next to a fresh puree or in sandwiches.

    Ingredients: minced pork, garlic, potatoes, onions, eggs, flour, parsley, dill, salt, oil, pepper.


Tel: 07710545059


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